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Swimming Begins!

Our class started swimming lessons at the YMCA this week. After the students showed the instructors what they can do, groups were formed. Some kids worked with kickboards:

Some other groups worked on breathing and swimming underwater:

This group is waiting for instructions about jumping in off the blocks:

We're off to a great start in swimming!


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Comments (4)

Amy Austin:

Hi kids,

Swimming looks like it's a lot of fun!!

It looks like everyone is progressing nicely. Enjoy!

Ms. Amy (Zach's Mom)


I love to see how everyone has improved since last years lessons. Keep up the good work!

Ms. Donna
Sarah B's Mom

Linda McPhail:

Great to see all of you swimming and having fun!

Ms. Linda
Sarah S's Mom

Frances Beasley - Gracie's Mom:

It is always fun to learn with friends! Yay!

Ms. Frances
Gracie's Mom

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 13, 2012 6:28 PM.

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