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Peer Conferencing and Four Square

We did some writing this afternoon and worked with a partner to make revisions. Our partners asked us questions which helped us add more details to our paragraphs.

We wrote about our lunches. Ask your child to make up a sentence about dinner the way we made a paragraph about lunch.

Some students helped me write this sentence about my lunch: I gulped down a mouth-watering tomato, pesto and mozzarella sandwich.

Just so you don't think it's all work, all day, here is a picture of some of us enjoying Four Square on the playground:


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Comments (7)

Donna Wright:

Wow Mrs. Raper's class!!! You sure have been busy learning! I am looking forward to studying Sunflowers with you in the upcoming weeks! See you next Wednesday.
Love, Mrs. Wright


*The vegetables on my plate were red and yellow. They remind me of the sun in the morning.*

I heard that Parker read his lunch poem and did a great job. I need someone to teach me four square too, it looks like fun!

Amy Austin:

Everything in life is better, I think, when it's done w/ a buddy. I've heard A LOT about Four Square so far this year. . .looks like fun!

Linda McPhail:

Wish I could go back to school and be in Mrs. Raper's class. Lucky kids!

Amy Zimmerman:

What a fun assignment! I can't wait to hear them. Mrs. Raper's class looks like a great place to be.

Frances Beasley:

Hi, Mrs. Raper's class! It looks like your days are full of wonderful learning opportunities! Working with a buddy is always fun! And, I'm glad to see that you are all working together on the playground, too, as you learn new fun games...like 4 square!

Frances Beasley:

Hi, Mrs. Raper's class! It looks like your days are full of wonderful learning opportunities! Working with a buddy is always fun! And, I'm glad to see that you are all working together on the playground, too, as you learn new fun games...like 4 square!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 22, 2012 6:45 PM.

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