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August 2012 Archives

August 16, 2012

First Day Fun!

We had a great first day of school today! We spent the morning getting to know each other, organizing classroom supplies, playing at recess and eating lunch. After lunch, Mrs. Siebert came in to work with us on the "U.S. Map Song".

Here we are practicing our serious pre-performance faces:

We went to art and decorated portfolios for the year:

If you click on the photos, they will open as a larger file. Please leave us a comment and let us know that you stopped by. We will update this blog with photos and student writing throughout the year.

August 17, 2012

Sunflower Sketches

We are beginning a study of plants in science. At the end of second grade, we planted sunflowers and today we investigated them.

We observed several different kinds of sunflowers and noted how they are the same and how they are different.

We sketched sunflowers in our science notebooks.

Next week we will dissect sunflowers and paint a sunflower piece in art class.

August 22, 2012

Peer Conferencing and Four Square

We did some writing this afternoon and worked with a partner to make revisions. Our partners asked us questions which helped us add more details to our paragraphs.

We wrote about our lunches. Ask your child to make up a sentence about dinner the way we made a paragraph about lunch.

Some students helped me write this sentence about my lunch: I gulped down a mouth-watering tomato, pesto and mozzarella sandwich.

Just so you don't think it's all work, all day, here is a picture of some of us enjoying Four Square on the playground:

About August 2012

This page contains all entries posted to Mrs. Raper in August 2012. They are listed from oldest to newest.

April 2012 is the previous archive.

September 2012 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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