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Field Day Fun!

It was H.O.T. but we certainly had fun, didn't we?

And of course, the requisite silly face picture:

Parents - Thank you for sharing your amazing children with me for the year. It was my 11th year teaching and thanks to families like yours, I still love my job!

Kids - Have a fun, safe summer and stop by and see me next year!


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Comments (3)


Thanks, Mrs. Raper! What great pictures to have as memories of a fantastic year!

Shannon Thornton:

Awesome pictures! I can't imagine a better place for my kids to be than ABES! You have been the perfect teacher for Elie - thank you for making her first year at ABES enjoyable. It delights me immeasurably that you love your job so much!
shannon & family

Ben LeFevre:

thank you Mrs.Raper for making this a wonderful school year!


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 24, 2011 1:15 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Welcome!.

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