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Tap Dancing

Our class is studying the Harlem Renaissance and we're looking at all aspects of life in Harlem during the 1920s and 1930s. In dance class, Mrs. Adams is teaching about tap dancing and Bill "Bojangles" Robinson. Here is a short clip of the students learning some tap basics:


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Comments (7)

Kris Garau:

How very exciting!
I'm glad to see that Ms. Adams is teaching the kids to dance to such great music. Jazz is the best!

Shannon Wright:

Nice moves! Maybe Mackenzie can give her dad lessons! :-)

Keep it up!
Mackenzie's mom

mara kessler:

That looks like so much fun. I wish I had dance lessons when I was in school. Keep up the good work. Mara's Nana.

Scott Robinson:

I saw some fancy footwork and moves in the video... cool!

Roman may have to ask his grandmother R. about her tap dancing skills.

[ED: Danger - required, traditional sturgeon reference.] The only tap dancing his Oregon uncle knows is that of the rod when a sturgeon is munching on the bait.

In the spirit of the tap dancing video, maybe it is time for a "Sandman" Sims impression to give the sturgeon direction the Apollo Theater hook and get back to the good stuff.

From the Harlem Renaissance, what musicians have you heard recently in your daily lives?

Besides my home listening, I recently heard several Billie Holiday songs while dining at a Italian restaurant in Ashland, OR. Yum! [ED: Got the food reference in too!]

What musicians or musical scores can you all think of that have been in various movies?

Hugh Robinson:

About 70 years ago (wow!), this granddad of Roman thought of a way to make tap dancing shoes using his sneakers. Just stick thumbtacks on the bottom of your shoes. Worked pretty well, at first, but eventually the thumbtack points came up through the too thin soles and let me know about it. Another idea shot down, but for awhile I had the real sound of taps.

Shannon Thornton:

That looks so fun! I've always admired great tap dancers and I'm glad you're learning about so many greats in our country's history. Here's a link that proves that the talent and love of tap dancing lives today:


tonya mclean:

WOW!!! Max you move pretty good! We are onto something here!

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