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Castles and Iron Chef!

Our class is drawing castles with Mrs. Wright in art class. This helps reinforce their lessons in one-point perspective and contrast. The aim is for the drawings to be 50% black and 50% white. Aren't they fantastic?

On Thursday Mr. Mayers took us outside to harvest the swiss chard we planted a few months ago. Several students got to cut some leaves in the drizzle before it really started to rain on us. Luckily, Mr. Mayers finished the job and then came back that afternoon for a cooking lesson and tasting! The ABES Iron Chef!

We got a lesson in chopping garlic:

and drizzled some olive oil:

Then in went the chard!

We measured the swiss chard before cooking and saw that there were 2 gallons of leaves. We guessed how much it would be once it was cooked and many were surprised that it was only 2 and a half cups. It was enough for everyone to taste though. Yum! Moms and Dads - don't let these kids tell you they don't like veggies. They were asking for seconds!

Thank you Mr. Mayers! The students are already asking when we can do it again!


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Comments (3)

Julia Toone:

Ben requested that I add swiss chard to this week's menu at home!

Ben LeFevre:

man! i didn't get to finish my castle! I had so much more to do! Also that swiss chard was good!!!

Scott Robinson:

Those drawings are great! I'll have to say my favorite castle drawing was the one with a moat. If I lived there, I'd stock it full of "guard" sturgeon. Just kidding. All of the drawings were absolutely fantastic.

What was the first time people started drawing with such perspectives?

And -- YUM -- that chard looked delicious.
One of my favorites is heat or steam wilted chard or spinach, drizzled with olive oil, and grated bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese (or shredded mozzarella).

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 16, 2011 1:57 AM.

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