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Field Trip!

On Thursday we visited Winston-Salem State University to see two murals painted by John Biggers. We are so lucky to have these pieces of art nearby. They both fit in perfectly with our units of study. The first one titled "Origins" is full of Egyptian symbols.

The students were able to identify the Egyptian Goddess and God, Isis and Osiris as well as many symbols.

The second mural we viewed is titled "Ascension". This piece ties in with our study of the Harlem Renaissance. There are many images in this mural that relate to the sense of community and family we are discussing in class right now.

We were lucky to have Mrs. Wright with us to help us discuss these murals and point out important symbols we wouldn't have noticed on our own.

These murals measure 15 feet x 30 feet. Back in our classroom we were able to calculate the perimeter of the murals and some students were able to calculate the area.

While we waited for the bus to pick us up, we played a rhythm/clapping game outside.

Mrs. Raper taught us this game (from her childhood) a few months ago and no one seems to have heard of it before. She was excited when an undergrad at WSSU stopped by to say he remembers playing this game as a kid!

**Mrs. Raper got permission from the head librarian before taking these photos**


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Mackenzie's Mom:

I loved looking at the photos of the murals from your field trip! Mackenzie is planning to attend a summer camp at Sawtooth this summer called "Mural Mania" where she will have the opportunity to learn about various techniques of mural painting as well as contribute to a large mural somewhere in a "surprise public location." We also enjoy looking at the huge mural on the wall at Mary's Breakfast of Course restaurant right around the corner from ABES (we love the food too!). Have a wonderful day everyone and keep up the awesome work!

:-) Mackenzie's Mom

ben :

Really Mara all you could say was awesome? I found all of the elements,fire,water,earth,life,death and air!!!


Debi Hester:

What a wonderful trip and time to learn about art and history right in your area. It is wonderful when you can see and learn from pieces like this and I enjoyed looking at your pictures. Looks like everyone enjoyed the game while you set and waited on the bus. And I am sure Mrs. Raper was happy when a WSSU knew the game that she taught you! Thanks for sharing and have a great day learning new things, Debi Hester, Savannah's Mam-Maw

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