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April 2011 Archives

April 11, 2011

Maniac Magee book projects

Please stop by the hallway outside our classroom to look at the fantastic book projects made by the Maniac Magee reading group. Each student designed a movie poster and wrote a summary of the book. The whole class enjoyed hearing a bit about the story as each student from the group presented their project.

April 14, 2011

Planting and Pattern Blocks

*Please excuse the cell phone photos on this post - it's better than nothing, right?*
We have seed pods! After a rocky start with our indoor Brassica plants, we have made it all the way back to seeds!

It has been fascinating to see the whole life cycle of the plant from seed back to seed. The plants survived bad seeds, spring break, and an aphid infestation!

Yesterday we went outside and planted three varieties of beans. Ask your child if they remember the names of the beans we planted. We also munched on swiss chard, lettuce and kale that we planted earlier.

In math, we are using pattern blocks to study fractions.

The students are using the blocks to come up with many different fraction sentences that equal one.

April 24, 2011

Field Trip!

On Thursday we visited Winston-Salem State University to see two murals painted by John Biggers. We are so lucky to have these pieces of art nearby. They both fit in perfectly with our units of study. The first one titled "Origins" is full of Egyptian symbols.

The students were able to identify the Egyptian Goddess and God, Isis and Osiris as well as many symbols.

The second mural we viewed is titled "Ascension". This piece ties in with our study of the Harlem Renaissance. There are many images in this mural that relate to the sense of community and family we are discussing in class right now.

We were lucky to have Mrs. Wright with us to help us discuss these murals and point out important symbols we wouldn't have noticed on our own.

These murals measure 15 feet x 30 feet. Back in our classroom we were able to calculate the perimeter of the murals and some students were able to calculate the area.

While we waited for the bus to pick us up, we played a rhythm/clapping game outside.

Mrs. Raper taught us this game (from her childhood) a few months ago and no one seems to have heard of it before. She was excited when an undergrad at WSSU stopped by to say he remembers playing this game as a kid!

**Mrs. Raper got permission from the head librarian before taking these photos**

About April 2011

This page contains all entries posted to Mrs. Raper in April 2011. They are listed from oldest to newest.

March 2011 is the previous archive.

May 2011 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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