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We have started our plants unit in science. This unit will last 6 weeks and take us through the life cycle of the plant. We started by observing seeds and then soaking them overnight to observe them again. We removed the seed coat (which many students are referring to as a "seed jacket" :)

After that, we split the seed in half to observe the embryo and cotyledon. Ask your child to define those terms for you.

Today we planted our brassica seeds. We got our planters ready with a wick for watering, potting soil, fertilizer and seeds. After that we were ready to water and place them under grow lights.

Of course, we're still plugging along with multiplication! Here are some students drawing pictures at the board to represent some of the facts:


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Comments (7)

Hi Guys!
The plants unit seems so interesting to me. I just started some seeds in Roman's and my vegetable garden and I love that feeling of watching and waiting for them to come up! They are like little presents. In the pictures, it looks like you guys are working so carefully and learning so much. Today, my mom is going to do the Thursday packets, so I miss you two weeks in a row, but I can't wait to visit the classroom next thursday!
Ms. Betsy

Shannon Thornton:

I have enjoyed reading your blog. The pictures are great to see - I like this last one of E and Sophie caring for the plant seeds. They look like real scientists - so intent on their work. I also like to see you practicing math at the board. I found a great game we use at home for practicing the multiplications facts- TIMEZ ATTACK (www.bigbrainz.com) - there's a free trial version you can download with your parent's permission. Happy learning!

Kristin Garau:

VERY cool!
It will be very interesting for the kids to see how the seeds react over time to the presence and absence of different variables. As Spring starts to take hold, it will be fun to examine the flowers that bloom and compare them to the seeds growth. Way to go!

Yasuko Rallings:

I've been learning about bones from Anna, and now I have a chance to learn about seeds! I'm looking forward to hearing about how the seeds you planted are growing and also seeing more pictures.

Mara kessler:

Hi I can't wait to thin our plants on Monday!

Scarlet Sink:

I love the plants too! Its the perfect time of year to study plants. Do you agree or disagree with me? Why or why not?

Mark Bringewatt:

Sophie, I see you are on a plant unit and planting some seeds with a friend. No wonder you read me a poem about daffodils last evening. I look forward to seeing you soon.



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