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Welcome to our class blog! I will post information here about what we're doing in class as well as pictures of the students in action. Students will be guest bloggers from time to time. Please feel free to send this link on to family and friends. Most pictures can be clicked for a larger size and I will include links to relevant or new information.

Remember the feeling of getting mail as a child? We would love to get comments for each post. Students love to know that their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends are interested in what they do!

Our Word Wall words for the week are posted on the right hand side ------->

We are continuing on in our study of the Renaissance. We went outside today to sketch in our sketchbooks just as daVinci used to sketch plants, animals and people.

Ms. Adams taught the students about the Galliarde in dance class today. The Galliarde is a dance from the High Renaissance.

Of course, we're loving this weather and playing outside as much as we can!


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Comments (22)

Debi Hester:

I am Savannah's Mam-Maw and I think this is wonderful, especially for me since I live in Weaverville, NC. I always enjoy talking to Savannah about what she is doing in school. Just watching her eyes dance, her hand movement and listen to the joy in her voice tells me how much to loves what she is doing.

Shannon Wright:

This is wonderful!! I love seeing snapshots of the kids' day. Thanks so much for making this available!
Mackenzie's Mom :-)

Hello Third Grade! Here comes SPRING!

Kate's Dad

Hello Third Grade! Here comes SPRING!

Here is a Leonardo da Vinci link for you. Zoom in and you can nearly touch your nose to it.

Kate's Dad

Hi Guys!!
I am excited to be learning about Leonardo da Vinci with you. We have so much more to learn together about perspective, I can't wait!! In the mean time, while we wait on the warm weather of spring to arrive, play around with the Art Link I sent you.
See you Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Mrs. Wright (Savannah's Mommy)

Rebecca Garau:

Hello Mrs. Raper and 3rd graders!

Thank you for setting this up! I am excited to see your pictures and find out more about what is going on in your class.

--Sophie's mom, Mrs. Garau

Gina Reece:

Hi Mrs. Raper and class!

This is very exciting! Now I can SEE what you're up to while I'm at work!!

-Gina (Alyssa's mom)

Sylvia Gehlhausen:


Scarlet Sink:

This is very exciting! Can't wait to see what you are doing next!

Claire O'Boyle:

I LOVE your pictures - keep them coming...!

Yasuko Rallings:

Thank you, Mrs. Raper, for setting up this blog. We love to see what Anna is doing and learning at school!


Hello 3rd graders!
I love seeing all these pictures!
I'll come back soon to see more!
Eden - Kate's mom

Helen McNabb:

This is my first visit to any "blog" and I am so glad to find out that my old friend Leonardo is alive and well in Mrs. Raper's class! Miss Kate Betz looks like a professional galliarder to me! I wish I were in the third grade.

Betsy Towns:

This is Roman's mom. I enjoyed hanging out with you guys last Thursday as always, and was so impressed with how well everyone focused on those practice tests-- impressive stamina!
Have you guys found google art projects yet? They let you see the most amazing details on many paintings around the world. It's like you can touch them.
Here's a painting of an angel coming down to earth to make an announcement.
Zoom in on the background and you can see how carefully Leonardo painted the tiny tiny ships in the background.
I can't wait to see you guys on Thursday. I love knowing what you're up to.
Enjoy these beautiful days outside!
Miss Betsy

missy sullivan:

I love your new blog. It's fantastic to see you guys in action.
Missy (Sky's mom)

Erin Webster:

What does a skeleton orders at a restaurant?

Spare ribs.

Nina Ownby:

Thanks, Mrs. Raper, for sharing the exciting things you are doing with your third grade class. Our dear granddaughter, Eliana, is soooo happy with school, and in her family, the children moan with disappointment when school is cancelled! Love all the photos, the dancing, the plant growth investigations, learning about our wonderful "flight" friend, Leonardo. Keep up the good work!!

Katrina C. Thornton:

Hi Eliana and Mrs. Raper class,
How exciting reading about all the interesting and fun learning experiences that are taking place in your class. I wish that I could be with you and share in all the fun. Eliana, I especially enjoyed the pictures of your pretty smile. Have a wonderful week!
Love you, Eliana! Grandmommy Thornton

Lyn and Hugh Robinson:

Looks like Roman's hand examining the seed. What plants might be grown? You guys are having so much fun! Even we grandparents would like to be in your class. Thanks for all the good pictures and sharing. Roman, we'll need good updates on all your class activities.
Grandmon and Granddad Robinson

Lyn and Hugh Robinson:

Hey Roman,
Thinking of seeds, we came up with some questions. What are the smallest and largest seeds and their sizes? How do seeds move? (exploding pods, wind, water, animals, ...) Which seeds have the shortest/longest time for germination and what are those times? Roots grow down and leaves grow up ... how does the seed/plant do this? If you plant a seed and manage to rotate the container slowly as it germinates (or sprout in space station), what might happen to the root/leaves?

If you figure out any answers, let us know!
Grandmom and Granddad


I am so glad to be able to see what I am doing in class at home.
from sky.

Hugh Robinson:

Mrs. Raper,
Roman and class might enjoy watching the two juvenile bald-head eagles at Jordan Lake if you have INTERNET access. They are now as big as the adults and may be close to fledging. The URL is

The camera takes a snapshot about every five seconds.

Granddad Robinson.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 21, 2011 10:11 PM.

The next post in this blog is Computers and Bones.

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