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Computers and Bones

An unlikely pair! We spent some time in the computer lab this week continuing on with our fiction writing and multiplication fact practice.

We have looked at The Last Supper by daVinci quite a bit. Mrs Wright has taught us a lot about this. What is a fresco? What are some of the damaging things that have happened to this piece of art over the years? Your child can probably tell you!

Simon says, "Point to your skull", Simon says, "Point to your femur", point to your humerus! Did we get you? We've been playing Simon Says as we study the names of bones. Some of the students are getting quite good (and quick!). Some are still being tricked by Simon!

Alyssa wrote this about the fifth grade performance of "Romeo and Juliet on the Border":

I liked the play Romeo and Juliet on the Border. There were some funny parts, and some sad parts. I liked Juliet. She was my favorite character. Did you see my sister singing Buffalo Gals? She was wearing a green dress. I loved the play!


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Julia Toone:

I see that Ben is the only "leftie" playing Simon Says!

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